
Agee’s research focuses on late capitalism and its impacts on peace and war, exploitation and oppression, global health and climate change. In addition to investigating the historical, socio-economic, and political role of structure and agency, he analyzes the collective action of social justice movements that confront the resulting conditions.

Agee is publisher and editor of CovertAction Magazine (CAM). In addition to editing and publishing CAM articles, Agee is preparing with the CAM Editorial Board several online educational resources that chronicle U.S. covert action–a compilation that will include the best of CAM. They are also planning to republish CIA Diary: Inside the Company and On The Run by Philip Agee, volumes which will include his father’s iconic articles and papers.

Among Agee’s recent articles, in August 2017, he presented a paper in Montreal, Canada at the annual conference of the American Sociological Association. The paper explored the correlation between high infant mortality rates and inequality in the United States. The idea for this paper grew out of the various courses he teaches at Hofstra University and the State University of New York including “Global Health Systems,” “Health and Society” and the “Sociology of Medicine and Health.”

For past articles, check out the piece he wrote on “May Day that appeared in the International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: from 1500 to the Present, edited by Immanuel Ness. See also his obituaries on William Blum, that appeared in CAM, and on his father, Philip Agee, called “Bridging the Gap.” The latter article appeared in the journal entitled North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) and traced his father’s work as a CIA case officer and his subsequent revelations as whistleblower.

If you wish to follow him on social media, see the various social media platforms listed on the sidebar. He is most active on twitter @CovertActionMag and @ChrisAgee.